The entire pie represents your net income (monthly salary or refund or gift). Recommended percentages are adjustable.
Money Pie
This Calculator by can provide you a simple approach to your monthly personal and household budgeting as well as what to do with tax refunds, gifts, and inheritances.
Money Pie Calculator
How this Calculator Can Help
If you are moving to a new town, moving jobs, getting a raise, getting married (or divorced), or otherwise heading toward a new financial situation in life, the Money Pie budget calculator offers a quick and simple approach to figuring out how much you should spend each month on housing, food, and entertainment. Additionally, the Money Pie tool recommends how much to put toward your emergency and short-term savings goals and your long-term investment plans. Even your efforts to build your income potential are included. Lastly, but not least, the sweetest pieces of the Money Pie are generosity and fun.
This calculator can help you fix the dilemma of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Too many households spend 100% of their income on housing, food, clothing, and entertainment, leaving nothing for savings, investments or generosity. Living within the Money Pie budget recommendations, you can have your cake and eat it too.
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Find important answers, advice, and analysis to a wide range of personal finance topics in our Money Motivations blog.
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Find important answers, advice, and analysis to a wide range of personal finance topics in our Money Motivations blog.
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