Award Winning Financial Education Course: My Life My Choices
Over the past decade or so, thousands of financial education programs, webinars, workshops, and courses have hit classrooms around the country, as well as the Internet. With so many options, consumers can find it challenging to know which programs provide quality, trustworthy and practical help.
My Life My Choices – Student Edition
Our flagship financial education online program created by Money Fit by DRS has received the Outstanding Consumer Financial Information Award from the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE). The official awards ceremony will take place at the AFCPE’s annual awards banquet on Wednesday, November 20 at its annual Symposium, held this year in Portland, Oregon.
The Award Goes to…
Accepting the award on behalf of Money Fit will be Todd Christensen, education manager and designer of My Life My Choices.
The AFCPE awards process began back in June 2019 and involved a review of the program by multiple members of AFCPE’s awards selection committee, comparing it to various other nominees.
“This program has been both a labor of love and an ongoing collaborative effort,” says Christensen, who worked with his financial educators back in the late 2010s to create the program’s precursor for community nonprofits serving teenagers. Since formalizing the activity for school classrooms in 2015, Christensen has presented it nearly 100 times to over 1,600 middle schools, high school, and college students. Earlier this year, Christensen developed the online version to reach students beyond the southwestern Idaho area where he is based.
How the Story Goes
Christensen describes the program as “an online budgeting game of personal priorities and financial consequences.” Participants are transported through time to their first month away from home. For this version, they are at a college out of state where they have complete financial independence.
Starting with a balance in their account thanks to summer jobs over the past couple of years, students first pick 13 out of 28 possible financial priorities, from transportation and rent to video games and even personal care products. Based on these choices, they will add income or subtract expenses during the day-by-day scenarios that form the basis of the program and its educational purposes.
Planning For Failure
“We all learn best from our mistakes,” Christensen says. “My Life My Choices allows students to make mistakes and learn from them, all without losing any real money. We’re just so thrilled that AFCPE recognized the value of this program.”
The activity is meant to be both realistic and fun. “As silly or crazy as many of the scenarios may seem, they all happened either to me, a family member, or a roommate,” says Christensen. “Just not all during the same month.” Students might experience car problems and tow, an apartment flood, a medical emergency, and even unexpected love. Each situation carries a financial aspect for which the student may or may not be prepared based on their chosen priorities.
Certificate for Participants
After completing the program, which can take from 20 to 45 minutes, the students receive a Certificate of Completion PDF with their name and final balance on it via email. Christensen says students have fun sharing their final balances, whether they are $500 above their starting balances or $3,000 below. This unexpected social component only increases the value of the program’s effect on the students.
The program is available 24/7 through the Money Fit Academy.