Family and Consumer Sciences Stories and Resources for Life’s Financial Lessons with Barbara Scully, FCS Teacher, and Podcaster with FCS Ed.
Family and Consumer Sciences courses involve a lot of financial lessons, whether as part of a personal finance class or as part of a health, textiles, or child development discussion. Teacher, podcaster, and blogger, Barbara Scully, shares her experiences and those of her FCS students coming out of her classrooms, as well as many of her favorite resources available to other teachers, parents, and mentors.
- Types of family and consumer sciences (FCS) that include personal finance
- How FCS course names vary by district and state
- The demand for FCS courses and teachers
- Various disciplines within FCS: finance, health, relationships, etc.
- Typical feedback from FCS students
- Lesson learned by FCS students
- Classroom resources accessible by parents and mentors
- Junior Achievement’s Biz Town as a role-playing financial activity
Links referred to in the episode, and how to connect with the guest, Barbara Scully:
Connect FCS ED Podcast
FEPPP (Financial Education Public-Private Partnership in Washington State)
NGPF: Next Gen Personal Finance for Teachers
M Is for Money (Rob Phelan)