double fisting video game controllers

Leveling Up Your Finances, Video Game Style

Level Up Your Finances: It’s Time for an Epic Real-Life Quest!

Let’s be honest, who hasn’t gotten sucked into the epic worlds of gaming? From slaying dragons to building pixelated empires, we’ve all spent countless hours on thrilling virtual adventures. And hey, there’s no shame in that – those late-night raids and boss battles were a blast! But let’s face it, those in-game achievements aren’t exactly going to pay off your student loans or your dream vacation.

That’s where things get interesting. If you’re a fellow gamer who, like me, also harbors secret desires of financial freedom, it’s time to switch gears and embark on a real-world adventure: leveling up your finances! This quest might not involve magical potions or mythical beasts, but the rewards are far more tangible: a secure future, peace of mind, and maybe even that vacation you’ve been eyeing.

So, dust off your metaphorical controller, grab your financial toolkit (we’ll provide that!), and get ready to conquer a new kind of challenge – building real-life wealth. Let’s show the world that the strategic thinking, dedication, and maybe even a little bit of the competitive spirit we honed in those virtual worlds can translate into epic financial victories!

Why The Shift: From Pixelated Treasures to Real-World Wealth

Okay, let’s get real. While those virtual victories were sweet, I started noticing a disconnect. I could meticulously manage my in-game resources, but my real-life finances? Let’s just say they were more chaotic than a newbie raid party. The realization hit hard: those digital assets weren’t going to pay for my retirement (or that sweet new truck I’d been dreaming about).

And here’s the thing about leveling up: whether it’s mastering a new spell or building a solid budget, the process is surprisingly similar. It takes focus, dedication, and the willingness to grind through challenges. Gamers know that the good stuff comes to those who put in the work. So, why not apply that same winning mentality to our finances? I’m ready to trade in those fleeting digital rewards for a lifetime of financial security and freedom.

avoiding credit card fees and traps

The Benefits of Focus: It’s Like Finding Hidden Loot

Imagine replacing the frustration of credit card debt with the thrill of watching your savings grow. Think about the peace of mind that comes from having a financial cushion for those unexpected life events. That’s a kind of power-up that can’t be bought in any in-game store. Plus, think of all the experiences you could unlock with financial freedom: traveling, starting a dream business, or simply having the ability to help others. Talk about a quest worth tackling!

Gamifying Your Financial Journey: Welcome to the Ultimate RPG

Think of your finances as a real-life role-playing game (RPG). Just like your favorite hero, you start with limited resources and face a series of challenges. But the beauty is, you get to design the character *and *write the story!

The Analogy: From Pixelated Stats to Real-Life Level Ups

  • XP (Experience Points): Every dollar saved, debt paid down, or smart investment is like those sweet, sweet XP gains. The more you accumulate, the closer you get to leveling up.
  • Stats: Your net worth, savings rate, and credit score are like your character’s “strength”, “agility”, and “wisdom” stats. Track them to see your progress.
  • Boss Battles: Those high-interest credit cards? They’re the final bosses of your financial quest. Defeating them leads to major power-ups!

Quests & Goals: Build Your Financial Legend

Every RPG needs a quest log. Here are some “levels” to add to yours:

  • Beginner Quests:
    • “Defeat the Overspending Ogre” (create and stick to a budget)
    • “Unlock the Emergency Fund Vault” (save $1,000)
  • Intermediate Quests:
    • “Slay the Student Loan Dragon” (get on an aggressive repayment plan)
    • “Acquire the Retirement Amulet of Protection” (start an IRA or 401k)
  • Advanced Quests:
    • “Conquer the Investing Labyrinth” (explore stocks, ETFs, etc.)
    • “Build Your Financial Fortress” (consider real estate ownership)

Trophies: Celebrate Your Victories!

Trophies aren’t just for gamers; they’re a fantastic motivator for your financial journey too!

  • Personal Rewards: Treat yourself to something small when you reach a milestone (new book, a fancy coffee, etc.) to keep those good vibes going.
  • FI Community Trophies: Did you share your story on a blog or forum? Earned a budgeting badge? These are achievements to be proud of!

Remember: This game doesn’t have a single “ending.” It’s about continuous growth and celebrating your wins along the way.

Power-Ups: The FI Community – Your Guild of Financial Champions

No hero tackles epic quests alone! The financial independence (FI) community is like your guild – a group of players willing to share their knowledge, lend support, and celebrate your victories. Imagine it as a gathering of financial wizards, knights, and savvy merchants, all focused on a common goal: reaching financial freedom.

Benefits of Joining the Guild

  • Unlock Hidden Knowledge: The FI community is a treasure trove of practical tips, strategies, and insider secrets to accelerate your progress.
  • Find Your Party: Connect with like-minded people at similar stages of their journey. Share struggles and triumphs!
  • Gain Support: Feeling discouraged? The community is there to offer guidance and a motivational boost when you need it most.
  • Level-Up Inspiration: Witnessing the successes of others fuels your own fire and keeps you determined to reach your goals.

Where to Find Your Financial Tribe:

  • Blogs & Forums: Explore popular FI blogs like Mr. Money Mustache or ChooseFI. Participate in discussions and connect with fellow readers.
  • Social Media: Search for FI-related hashtags (#financialindependence #debtfreecommunity) and follow accounts that resonate with you.
  • Local Meetups: Check sites like or search for local FI groups in your area for face-to-face connection and support.

Important Note: Don’t just lurk! Actively engage, ask questions, and offer encouragement to others. The more you participate, the more you’ll gain.

Let’s face it, building wealth isn’t always a thrilling joyride, but with a supportive community in your corner, it becomes a whole lot more fun and rewarding.

Pressing the “Start” Button

My journey to financial focus definitely didn’t happen overnight! For years, any spare time was absorbed by the world of gaming. But eventually, I started questioning if all those hours were really moving me towards my goals. That realization, while a bit uncomfortable, was the catalyst for change. It made me switch gears and apply that same determination to building real-life security and freedom.

Finding Your Motivation

We all have moments that trigger a desire for change. Take a moment to reflect:

  • Is there something preventing you from fully focusing on your finances?
  • What’s one step you could take today to shift your mindset?
  • What does financial success look like to you?

Remember: It’s never about perfection; it’s about progress. If I can pivot from gaming to financial planning, so can you!

Ready Player One? Your Financial Quest Awaits!

Remember those late nights battling virtual foes? The thrill of finally cracking a seemingly impossible level? That same drive and determination can absolutely conquer your finances! It’s time to level up your mindset and become the hero of your own financial journey.

This quest is achievable. It might take time, it might get a little messy along the way, but those victories – paying off that debt, hitting your savings goal, investing in your future – they’ll feel even better than defeating that infamous final boss.

So, are you ready to press “start” on your financial adventure? The Money Fit team and the entire FI community are here to help with guides, tools, and support. Let’s share our stories, celebrate those trophies, and prove that financial freedom isn’t a fairy tale – it’s a real-life power-up we can all unlock.

Artwork created by Eric Lehtonen, a certified credit counselor at Money Fit.

About the Author

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Client Credit Report Authorization

You hereby authorize and instruct Debt Reduction Services, Inc. (DRS, dba Money Fit by DRS) and/or its assigned agents to:
  • Obtain and review your credit report, and
  • Request verifications of your income and rental history, and any other information deemed necessary for improving your housing situation (for example, verifying your annual property tax obligations and homeowner’s insurance fees)
Your credit report will be obtained from a credit reporting agency chosen by DRS. You understand and agree that DRS intends to use the credit report evaluate your financial readiness to purchase or rent a home and/or to engage in post-purchase counseling activities and not to grant credit. You understand you may ask any questions pertaining to your credit report. However, while DRS will review the information with you, the company is not able to furnish you with a copy of your credit profile. You hereby authorize DRS to share your information from your credit report and any information that you provided (including any computations and assessments produced) with the entities listed below to help DRS determine your viable financial options.
  • Banks
  • Counseling Agencies
  • Debt Collectors
  • Landlords
  • Lenders
  • Mortgage Servicers
  • Property Management Companies
  • Public Housing Authorities
  • Social Service Agencies
Entities such as mortgage lenders and/or counseling agencies may contact your DRS counselor to evaluate the options for which you may be eligible. In connection with such evaluation, you authorize the credit reporting and/or financial agencies to release information and cooperate with your DRS counselor. No information will be discussed about you with entities not directly involved in your efforts to improve your housing situation. You hereby authorize the release of your information to program monitoring organizations of DRS, including but not limited to, Federal, State, and nonprofit partners for program review, monitoring, auditing, research, and/or oversight purposes. In addition, you authorize DRS to have your credit report pulled two additional times to conduct program evaluations. You also agree to keep DRS informed of any changes in address, telephone number, job status, marital status, or other conditions which may affect your eligibility for a program you have applied for or a counseling service that you are seeking. Finally, you understand that you may revoke consent to these disclosures by notifying DRS in writing.

Client Privacy, Data Security, and Client Rights Policy

NOTE: This sheet is to inform new or returning clients about our services, records, fees, and limitations that may affect you as a consumer of our services. This form also discloses how we might release your information to other agencies and/or regulators. If you do not understand a statement, please ask a Debt Reduction Services (DRS) counselor for assistance.

Debt Reduction Services, Inc. (DRS) has put into place policies and procedures to protect the security and confidentiality of your nonpublic personal information. This notice explains our online information practices and how we use and maintain your information to conduct our financial education and credit counseling sessions and to fulfill information and question requests. This privacy policy complies with federal laws and regulations.

To provide our financial education and credit counseling services, we collect nonpublic personal information about you as follows: 1) Information we receive from you, 2) Information about your transactions with us or others, and 3) Information we receive from your creditors or a consumer reporting agency. We do not share this information with outside parties.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our website and services, but we do not disclose anything that could be used to identify you as an individual.

You hereby authorize DRS, when necessary, to share your nonpublic personal, financial, credit, and any information that you provided (including any computations and assessments produced) with the following entities in order to help DRS provide you with appropriate counseling or guide you to appropriate services: third parties such as government agencies, your lender(s), your creditor(s), and nonprofit housing-related and other financial agencies as permitted by law, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We limit access to your nonpublic personal information to our employees, contractors and agents who need such access to provide products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes.

Debt Reduction Services, Inc. complies with the privacy requirements set forth in the HUD housing counseling agency handbook 7610.1 (05/2010), including the sections 2-2 Mc, 3-1 H(2), 3-3, 5-3 F, and Attachment A.5. At all times, we will comply with all additional laws and regulations to which we are subject regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of individually identifiable information.

  1. Services: DRS provides the following housing-related services: counseling that includes Homeless Assistance, Rental Topics, Pre-purchase/Homebuying, and Home Maintenance and Financial Management for Homeowners (Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase); Education courses that include Financial literacy (including home affordability, budgeting, and understanding use of credit), Predatory lending, loan scam or other fraud prevention, Fair housing, Rental topics, Pre-purchase homebuyer education, Non-delinquency post-purchase workshop (including home maintenance and/or financial management for homeowners), and other workshops not listed above.

Please refer to for details of our services.

  1. Limits: Our services are limited to our normal weekday business hours. We do not provide individual counseling or education services after hours or on weekends, although our education courses are available 24/7.
  2. Fees: We do not charge fees for our financial management counseling and education. However, if you use them, you may have to pay for our Debt Management Program, Student Loan Counseling, Bankruptcy Certificate Services or certain financial education courses (homebuyer education, rental topics, fair housing, predatory lending, and post-purchase-non-delinquency including home maintenance and/or financial management for homeowners).
  3. Records: We maintain records of the services you receive, including notes about your progress or other relevant information to your work with us. You have the right to access and view your records by making a request to your counselor.
  4. Confidentiality: We respect your privacy and offer our services in confidence with the understanding that we may share such information with auditors and government regulators. Certain laws or situations may also lead to disclosing confidential issues, such as those involving potential child abuse or neglect, threats to harm self or others, or court subpoenas.
  5. Refusal of Services: You have the right to refuse services without any penalty or loss.
  6. Disclosure of Policies and Practices: You will be provided our agency disclosure statement.
  7. Sharing of Information: Sometimes we will need to contact other agencies or we may need to share your information, including your records, with other agencies or with regulators. We will do this only if you sign this form that gives us permission except for limited reasons; please see # 5 above for examples of such situations.
  8. Other: You have the right to be treated with respect by our staff, and we expect the same from you in return. We encourage you to always ask questions if something is not clear. We also encouraged you to express your thoughts and advocate throughout our services.

You acknowledge that this authorization will remain in effect for the duration of time that DRS serves as your housing counselor or financial education provider. You also acknowledge that should you wish to terminate this authorization, you will notify DRS in writing.

Disclosure  Statement

NOTE: If you have an impairment, disability, language barrier, or otherwise require an alternative means of completing this form or accessing information about our counseling services, please communicate with your DRS representative about arranging alternative accommodations.

Program Disclosure Form

Disclosure to Client for HUD Housing Counseling Services

Debt Reduction Services, Inc. and its financial education arm, Money Fit by DRS, offer the following housing counseling and educational services related to housing, personal finance, and bankruptcy certificates to consumers:
  • Housing Education Courses: DRS offers many online self-guided education programs classified as Financial, Budgeting, and Credit Workshops (FBC), Fair Housing Pre-Purchase Education Workshops (FHW), Homelessness Prevention Workshops (HMW), Non-Delinquency Post Purchase Workshops (NDW), Predatory Lending Education Workshops (PLW), Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops (PPW), and Rental Housing Workshops (RHW). These courses help participants increase their knowledge of and skills in personal finance, including home affordability, budgeting, and understanding the use of credit, as well as predatory lending, loan scams, and other fraud prevention topics, fair housing, rental topics, pre-purchase homebuyer education, non-delinquency post-purchase topics including home maintenance and/or financial management for homeowners, homeless prevention workshop, and other workshops not listed above relating to personal finance and housing. Course details are found below under “Housing Workshops.”
  • Home Equity Conversation Mortgage (HECM) Counseling (RMC): Via telephone and virtual platforms, we offer the required HECM counseling nationwide in addition to in-person counseling in Boise, Idaho. We also offer in-home counseling options in thirty counties across southern Idaho for an additional fee to cover our travel and additional staff time costs.
  • Home Maintenance and Financial Management for Homeowners (Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase) (FBC): Clients receive counseling and materials on the proper maintenance of their home and mortgage refinancing. Clients can find help and resources by phone, in our Boise office, or virtually on all topics related to stabilizing their long-term homeownership.
  • Services for Homeless Counseling (HMC): Clients receive phone, virtual, or in-person (Boise) counseling to evaluate their current housing needs, identify barriers to and goals for housing stability, establish a path to self-sufficiency, and connect with emergency shelters, income-appropriate housing, and/or other community resources (e.g. mental healthcare, job training, transportation, etc.).
  • Pre-Purchase Counseling (PPC): Clients receive counseling through the entire homebuying process. Assistance may involve creating a sustainable household budget, understanding mortgage options, building their credit rating, and putting together a realistic action plan to set and achieve homeownership goals.  Additionally, clients will receive materials and resources about home inspections and other homeownership topics relevant to successfully maintaining a home.
  • Rental Housing Counseling (RHC): Via phone, in-person appointments (Boise, ID), or virtual platforms, clients receive housing counseling relevant to renting, including rent subsidies from HUD or other government and assistance programs. Topics can also address issues and concerns having to do with fair housing, landlord and tenant laws, lease terms, rent delinquency, household budgeting, and finding alternate housing.
DRS also offers the following services:
  • A Debt Management Program (DMP) for consumers struggling to pay their credit cards, collections, medical debts, personal loans, old utility bills, and past-due cell phone accounts;
  • The Budget Briefing and Debtor Education Certificates that are required during the Bankruptcy filing process;
  • A Student Loan Repayment Plan Counseling and application service.

Relationships with Industry Partners

Through such services, DRS has established financial relationships with hundreds of banks, credit unions, and creditors such as American Express, Bank of America, Barclays, Capital One, Chase, Citibank, Credit One, Discover, Synchrony, US Bank, USAA, Wells Fargo, and others.

No Client Obligation

The client is not obligated to receive, purchase or utilize any other services offered by DRS or its exclusive partners to receive financial education or housing counseling services. Alternatives: As a condition of our counseling services, in alignment with meeting our client services goals, and in compliance with HUD’s Housing Counseling Program requirements, we may provide information on alternative services, programs, and products available to you, if applicable and known by our staff. Alternative DMP services include negotiating better repayment terms directly with your individual creditors, paying your debts as agreed, or, in extreme cases, filing for personal bankruptcy. Alternative credit and education services can be found through or the Jump$tart Clearinghouse of online financial education resources. Housing counseling alternatives can be found through HUD at
Finally, you understand that you may revoke consent to these disclosures by notifying DRS in writing.

Housing Counseling and Education Fee Schedule


Online Education Program Fees*

Homebuyer Education Course: $59 per participant

  • Self-paced course available here, our online housing counseling and education center. Certificates will be automatically generated upon completion of the course (approximately 6-8 hours)

RentalFair HousingPredatory Lending / HOEPAPost-Purchase (Non-delinquency post-purchase workshop, including home maintenance and/or financial management for homeowners) Online Workshops: $49 per participant

  • Approximately 1 hour each

Other Self-Guided Financial Literacy Webinars (e.g. creditbudgetinghomeless preventiondebt prevention): $0

One-on-one Counseling Fees*

Pre-purchase Homebuying Counseling, Rental Counseling, Post-purchase Ownership Maintenance and Financial Management: $75

  • Session by the hour

Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counseling with Required Certificate:

  • $200†

Credit Report Fee: Paid Directly by Client

*Fees for all but our online education courses and workshops can be paid online by debit card, credit card, or PayPal or in person by cash, check or money order to: “Debt Reduction Services, Inc.” Registration fees are non-refundable 24 hours or less before the start of an in-person course or workshop. Certificates are non-transferable

*Fees may be waived for households with income of 150% or less of that identified on the US Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines Page

†Home visit counseling is available in 30 southern Idaho counties for potential HECM borrowers at additional costs to cover our travel (IRS reimbursement rates apply) and staff time ($50 per hour or fraction there).

Housing Counseling and Education Fee Schedule


Online Education Program Fees*

Homebuyer Education Course: $59 per participant

  • Self-paced course available here, our online housing counseling and education center. Certificates will be automatically generated upon completion of the course (approximately 6-8 hours)

RentalFair HousingPredatory Lending / HOEPAPost-Purchase (Non-delinquency post-purchase workshop, including home maintenance and/or financial management for homeowners) Online Workshops: $49 per participant

  • Approximately 1 hour each

Other Self-Guided Financial Literacy Webinars (e.g. creditbudgetinghomeless preventiondebt prevention): $0

One-on-one Counseling Fees*

Pre-purchase Homebuying Counseling, Rental Counseling, Post-purchase Ownership Maintenance and Financial Management: $75

  • Session by the hour

Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counseling with Required Certificate:

  • $200†

Credit Report Fee: Paid Directly by Client

*Fees for all but our online education courses and workshops can be paid online by debit card, credit card, or PayPal or in person by cash, check or money order to: “Debt Reduction Services, Inc.” Registration fees are non-refundable 24 hours or less before the start of an in-person course or workshop. Certificates are non-transferable

*Fees may be waived for households with income of 150% or less of that identified on the US Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines Page

†Home visit counseling is available in 30 southern Idaho counties for potential HECM borrowers at additional costs to cover our travel (IRS reimbursement rates apply) and staff time ($50 per hour or fraction there).